Thursday, November 26, 2015

What Are Acne Scars And How Can You Reduce Their Appearance?

By Jayne T Nightingale

Acne is a common skin condition that can affect approximately 80% of the population. Most cases of acne will occur in the teen years, but it is not uncommon for adults to suffer from acne also. Any individual that acne scars can be left behind. If you are an acne sufferer or you have the resulting scars it is important that you learn more about the different types of scar treatment so you can keep acne scars from ruining your life.
suffers from a face full of acne will know firsthand how embarrassing it can be. But that's not all. Once the acne disappears,

Millions of people battle acne every year. Of these millions of people, most will not have an issue with scarring. However, acne can leave behind lesions. When an acne outbreak subsides, it will leave behind a reddish colored mark or lesion. These lesions are post inflammatory changes that occur when the body attempts to heal and remodel the skin surface. It can take 6 to 12 months for these lesions to disappear completely. It is important that you are able to recognize the difference between acne lesions and scars before you begin any type of treatment.

So how do you know if you will have scars? The severity of inflammation of the skin after an acne breakout can be a good indicator of your risk for developing scars. If you have deep breakouts of acne that take a long time to go away this will also indicate a greater risk for developing scars. Most people will have scarring if they have another acne outbreak while their skin is still healing from the prior acne outbreak. If you have had the red lesions on your face for over a year, and they don't seem to be going away, then chances are you are developing scars.

A great way to treat early acne scarring is to protect your skin from developing deeper scars. Sun exposure can delay skin healing and damage the sensitive skin of the face. Therefore, it is important you protect your skin with sunscreen. Never pick at the scabs that have formed on your face. The scabs are there to protect the healing process. If you pick off this protective cover you will interfere with healing, and scars will form.

The conventional methods of scar reduction can include surgical procedures that will leave behind scars, albeit small ones of their own. Dermabrasion techniques will remove the top layer of the skin and expose the smoother layer underneath. Deep acne scars will still present but less noticeable. These methods may carry some risk for side effects, and they are all expensive.

However, if you are looking for a safe, less expensive scar treatment, you may want to look for an acne scar removal system that is formulated with natural ingredients. They are similar to micro dermabrasion in the fact that they exfoliate the top layer of you skin by applying the cream. These types of scar treatments can be found online. The best part about these treatments is they can be done in the comfort and privacy of your own home. However, these and any other treatments will not totally remove your scars, but they can drastically reduce their appearance.

For more information on acne scar treatment methods you can try at home visit our site - acne scars treatment, where we provide information of the different types of acne scars and treatments you can apply to reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Just remember, some treatments work better that others and they do take time to work.

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